吕晖 数学、物理双学士,核医学博士,研究员,博士生导师
2015.5-至今, 上海交通大学, 生命科学技术学院, 特聘教授
2010.2-至今, 上海交通大学, 医学院-儿童医院, 研究员
2008.8-2015.5, University of Illinois at Chicago, 生物工程系, 副教授
2002.8-2008.7, University of Illinois at Chicago, 生物工程系, 助理教授
1999.10-2002.7, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, 博士后
国家自然科学基金面上项目,31071167,基于蛋白DNA 相互作用的基因调控预测,2011/01-2013/12,30万元,已结题,主持。
研究课题包括医学生物信息,蛋白功能预测,蛋白相互作 用与基因表迖,基因调控网络研究,蛋白核酸相互作用,蛋白生物膜相互作用, 蛋白折叠,结构预测,分子动力学,机器学习等。发表60余篇SCI论文,包括Nature,Molecular Cell, JACS, PNAS, NAR, Bioinformatics, I J Cancer等,引用4000次,其中引用超过100次的有10篇。曾获得两项自然科学基金项目
(1) Peng Cui, Tingyan Zhong, Zhuo Wang, Tao Wang, Hongyu Zhao, Chenglin Liu*,Hui Lu*, Identification of human circadian genes based on time course geneexpression profiles by using a deep learning method , Biochimica et BiophysicaActa (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease
(2) Cong Liu, Xujun Wang, Georgi Z. Genchev, Hui Lu*, Multi- omics facilitated variable selection in Cox-regression model for cancer prognosisprediction , Methods, 2017.7.15, 124: 100~107
(3) Carson Matthew B., Liu Cong, Lu Yao, Jia Caiyan, Lu Hui* , Adisease similarity matrix based on the uniqueness of shared genes , BMCMedical Genomics, 2017.5.24, 10(Suppl 1)
(4) Liu Cong, Jiang Jianping, Gu Jianlei, Yu Zhangsheng, Wang Tao *, Lu Hui*, High-dimensional omics data analysis using a variable screeningprotocol with prior knowledge integration (SKI) , BMC Systems Biology, 2016.12.23, 10(Suppl 4)
(5) Zheng Bing# , Liu Jun# , Gu Jianlei# , Lu Yao, Zhang Wei, Li Min, Lu Hui* ,A three-gene panel that distinguishes benign from malignant thyroidnodules , International Journal of Cancer, 2014.9.22, 136(7): 1646~1654
(6) Carson MB, Hui Lu* , Network-based prediction and knowledge mining ofdisease genes, BMC Medical Genomics, 2015.5.29, 8(Suppl 2:S9)
(7) Kallberg Morten, Bhardwaj Nitin, Langlois Robert, Lu Hui* , Astructure-based protocol for learning the family-specific mechanisms ofmembrane-binding domains, Bioinformatics,2012.9.3, 28(18): i431~i437
(8) He Chengzhi, Genchev Georgi Z.,Lu Hui*, Li Hongbin*, Mechanically Untying a Protein Slipknot: Multiple Pathways Revealed by Force Spectroscopyand Steered Molecular Dynamics Simulations , Journal of the American ChemicalSociety, 2012.5.24, 134(25): 10428~10435
(9) Chen Yong, Sheng Ren, Kaellberg Morten, Silkov Antonina, Tun MoeP., Bhardwaj Nitin, Kurilova Svetlana, Hall Randy A., Honig Barry, Lu Hui*, Cho Wonhwa*, Genome-wide Functional Annotation of Dual-Specificity Protein-and Lipid-Binding Modules that Regulate Protein Interactions , Molecular Cell, 2012.4.27, 46(2): 226~237
(10) Langlois Robert E., Lu Hui*, Boosting the prediction and understanding of DNA-binding domains from sequence , Nucleic Acids Research, 2010.2.15, 38(10): 3149~3158